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The Writing Game

© 2024 Stephanie Rodda

A Christian writer is more than a writer who happens to attend church. As with any Christian professional or minister, a Christian writer is held to higher standards. After all, our words, attitudes, actions, opinions,  work ethic, and purposes must never contradict the One whom we claim allegiance to, the Truth we align ourselves with. Our writing, in fact, becomes our ministry. Our writing should inspire other people to consider embracing the truth of Christianity.

Words, written or spoken, can impact lives far beyond the span of our own lives. I am so often blessed and encouraged by writers who lived long ago. I never met them in person nor ever spoke to them. Yet their words continue to make a difference in my life and the lives of countless others.

As a Christian writer, I am inspired to write. Whether a devotional post, a fictional story, an assigned article, or a children’s book, our inspired words can lead the way to hope and help. My goal is to write words that cause people to think thoughts they wouldn’t have otherwise.

Earlier this year, I led a workshop session called “Getting Your (Writing) Game On” where we compared our writing challenges to the challenges faced by professional athletes. No matter how natural their talent is, they must practice regularly, use proper equipment, and continue to improve their skills as long as they intend to play the game.

As writers, we don’t need a good bat and glove. However, we must continue to practice our craft, scout out possibilities and opportunities, be able to deliver a good pitch, and develop versatile skills.

The days of being responsible only for the creative corner of our writing world no longer exist. Yes, we should be inspired to write and to inspire others as well. But in addition to the word weaving, we need other skills. Being comfortable with basic computer skills, having a decent understanding of good grammar, facing the challenges of marketing, and continuing to hone our talent will lead us to exactly the place we aspire to be.

Today, you may find it’s time to get off the bench and into the game with earnest intentions. Are you ready to get your writing game on? Let’s play ball!


Stephanie Rodda is a freelance writer, inspirational speaker, blogger, devotional contributor, and author who lives in Alabama with her husband and larger-than-life family, which includes their seven adopted young adult children. Her newest book, Backyard Betsy, is a particularly favorite project.  It focuses on children who have been displaced, such as foster children, and is beautifully illustrated.