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Motivated to Write

© 2024 Tammie T. Polk

Becoming motivated to write doesn’t have to be hard.

We all have a message we have been given to share with the world, yet we get stuck on the emotional authorcoaster that has us questioning our calling. We also want to make an impact and an income in a field many consider to be oversaturated.

It’s not….

There may be books already out there about your subject matter, but that doesn’t mean your book shouldn’t be written. The world still needs your take on the subject, so your book needs to be released. Whether you’ve finished it and have it sitting on your computer or if you are in the process of writing, please understand that your book matters.

Here are seven questions to motivate you as you write:

  1. Who is my reader for this book? – Keep this in mind as you write and be sure you continue to talk to that person.
  2. What do I want to help them do? – What is the purpose of your book as it relates to the reader you want to serve through your book?
  3. When do you want to release the book? – Some authors release their books based on a certain time of year or even on a day that aligns with their book.
  4. Where do you need to go to write and ensure you finish and finish well? – Is there a special place where you need to go so you can focus and write the right book?
  5. Why do you want to write about this subject for this reader and help them do this thing? – Make sure what you put out is what is meant to go out and not simply something that was easy to write.
  6. How are you going to write this book for this reader? – Will it be audio, digital, paperback, or all formats? What is going to be your process for writing?
  7. How much time, money, and effort is it going to take to get this book done? – All of these are important matters to consider.

These questions may seem general, but you definitely want to keep them in mind as you become motivated to write. Readers look for resources at different points in their lives, and you want your book available for them when they need it.

The more motivated you become to write, the more your writing will motivate others.

They need your motivation!


Tammie T. Polk, DTM is the award-winning author of 173 books who helps authors do more with their books by using her B.E.S.T. Framework. She also owns a bookstore where her readers have the chance to ask about her books and self-publishing. She has committed to continue to help women grow through her book, Girl, Go Eat A COOKIE!…and then handle business! which challenges women to get up after a knockdown. Visit Tammie on her website.