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Sorrow and Joy

SORROW – Marylane is retiring as codirector of Write Life Workshops.

Tracy Crump and Marylane Wade Koch presented their first workshop on writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul to nine attendees at a local library in October 2008. It was there they conceived the idea to put together a newsletter that would include story callouts for the series. All nine attendees signed up.

The first issue of The Write Life reached in-boxes in November 2008, and has been published monthly without fail for more than 15 years. The Write Life now has 1,000 subscribers.

At first, Tracy and Marylane wrote all the feature articles. Then they began soliciting pieces from industry professionals such as NYT bestselling authors Cecil Murphey, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Angela Hunt, who teach, encourage, and lead subscribers to “Write Better, Write Now!”

They also began presenting workshops and webinars, particularly on writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul, under the banner of Write Life Workshops.


Rather than sorrow, I prefer to think of this as in Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. A time and season for everything…

A Time and Season …

On my 70th birthday, I asked the Lord, “How did I get here?” I clearly heard the answer: One day at a time (ODAT). So how did we get to 15 years at Write Life Workshops? Same answer: ODAT.

I thank God for the privilege to be part of WLW. What an awesome adventure to share this season of my life with Tracy and the WLW team. I love and thank each of you and our readers for the many contributions to WLW. As a lifetime subscriber to The Write Life, I’ll stay in touch through the monthly newsletter.

We know writers don’t really retire. I’m redirecting my energy to writing projects patiently waiting for me. Moving into another space. As The Write Life columnist Valerie Ray so sweetly expressed to me, I’m growing into my Next. ODAT.

Carry on! God is good all the time.


JOY – Rhonda Dragomir is joining Write Life Workshops as new codirector.

But as it often does, joy follows sorrow. Write Life Workshops is pleased to announce that Rhonda Dragomir will join Tracy as the new codirector. In addition to being an outstanding writer and teacher, Rhonda is a technological wizard. Watch for new developments soon!

FROM RHONDA: “You can do this.” That exhortation by Tracy Crump, my instructor in a 2015 workshop on writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul®, jump-started my writing career. After following Tracy’s tips, my first Chicken Soup story was published in February the next year. When you read my bio, you can see the successes that followed because a mentor spoke words of hope that bolstered my confidence.

I repeat Tracy’s four-word encouragement when self-doubt attacks. Scripture says, “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance” (Proverbs 1:5). My respect for Write Life Workshops is based on the excellent advice and helpfulness of its leaders and contributors. I’m humbled and thrilled to join Tracy as codirector to assist Write Life Workshops in equipping others to learn the craft of writing.


BIO: Rhonda Dragomir is a multimedia creative who treasures her fairy tale life in Central Kentucky, insisting her home is her castle even if her prince refuses to dig a moat. A graduate of Asbury University with a degree in Social Work, she is a committed pastor’s wife and Bible teacher. Rhonda is also an award-winning writer, with published works in Chicken Soup for the Soul® and other anthologies printed by Guideposts, Revell Books, and Grace Publishing. Her debut novel, When the Flames Ravaged, was released by Barbour Publishing February 29, 2024. Contact Rhonda through her website and find her social media links on the home page.

The Write Life will continue to go out on the first of each month as it always has. We wanted our faithful subscribers to be the first to hear the news.