What happens when two writers discover they have a lot in common including the call to encourage others to write? For Tracy Crump and Marylane Wade Koch the answer was Write Life Workshops (WLW).
Tracy and Marylane met through Byhalia Christian Writers, a local Christian writers support group. Marylane had published a story in Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend’s Soul® and encouraged Tracy to write and submit to Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul. And write and submit she did. Not only were Tracy’s stories published in this book, but she went on to publish well over twenty stories in various Chicken Soup for the Soul® books in this popular series.
In 2008, Tracy and Marylane presented a workshop on writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul at a local library. The nine attendees were enthusiastic about this publishing opportunity. Write Life Workshops was launched.
When Marylane was ready in 2024 to pass the reins to another co-director, Tracy turned to her friend and fellow writer, Rhonda Dragomir. After meeting Tracy in 2015 at the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference and attending her workshop on writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rhonda wrote her first story for the series, and it was published. She has since written five other published stories, one of which won a Selah Award from the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2024.
Tracy and Rhonda are long-term writing critique partners, and Tracy has edited two of Rhonda’s historical fiction novels. Rhonda built and maintains this site as well as Tracy’s personal author website. Their partnership has flourished with a synergy that inspires them to collaborate to encourage other writers.
Learn more about the talented writers who comprise the rest of the team at Write Life Workshops.
Write Life Workshops offers:
- Workshops on diverse subjects about writing and publishing.
- The Write Life, a free monthly newsletter with short informative and inspirational articles from experts in the writing field along with announcements of WLW events. Subscribers also receive upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul callouts and other publishing opportunities.
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Would love to receive the newsletter.
I never had any luck with Chicken Soup but always open to learning.
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