Monthly Inspiration for Writers Contributing to Chicken Soup for the Soul®

Cooked up by Tracy Crump

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February 2025

Tip: Pet Stories are Popular

Normally, Chicken Soup for the Soul publishes a book about cats and another about dogs every year or so. Recently, they issued a callout for a collection of stories about pets in general. I love that they’re branching out!

We’ve had birds, hamsters, gerbils, and turtles. One son and his family currently own a corn snake, hedgehog, and hissing cockroaches (ugh!). You may have something even more unusual.

You can still submit stories about your dog or cat, but now you have the opportunity to write about the funny, unusual, heartwarming pets outside the feline and canine persuasion. Just remember, the story needs to be true with all the elements of a good Chicken Soup story: action, dialogue (no, not the animal’s—unless your pet really does talk), conflict, and resolution. Give it a definite beginning and end and include a strong takeaway.

I can’t wait to read about your pets!

The Write Life newsletter offers feature articles from industry professionals such as Cecil Murphey, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Angela Hunt along with a monthly column from marketing expert Patricia Durgin. A devotion by Valerie Ray, Chicken Soup for the Soul tip from Tracy Crump, and Subscriber Spotlight round out the newsletter. Subscribers also receive the latest callouts from Chicken Soup for the Soul®, Guideposts, and other anthologies.

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