Monthly Inspiration for Writers Contributing to Chicken Soup for the Soul®

Cooked up by Tracy Crump

This information will appear here monthly, and when it’s gone, it’s gone! To read other tips for writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul®, subscribe to the newsletter by using the button below.

Tip: Holiday Stories Published Every Year

December 2024

It’s too late to submit to this year’s Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas book, but guess what? Chicken Soup is already planning the 2025 Christmas edition, and you have until January 31 to send a story. To make submitting even more inviting, the book covers the entire holiday season, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.

Editors want to hear stories about how you celebrate the holidays—all the funny, crazy, heartwarming events surrounding your celebrations. So, watch for moments this holiday season that you might be able to turn into submissions.

They do ask you to make your stories “Santa safe” for young readers.

**And more good news! If you’ve submitted a story to a Chicken Soup Christmas book in the past that was not published, you can resubmit it. I always recommend you study the callout and tweak your story to make sure it is as well written as possible, meets their guidelines, and fits what they are seeking. Go to Chicken Soup’s website to find this information.

The Write Life newsletter offers feature articles from industry professionals such as Cecil Murphey, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Angela Hunt along with a monthly column from marketing expert Patricia Durgin. A devotion by Valerie Ray, Chicken Soup for the Soul tip from Tracy Crump, and Subscriber Spotlight round out the newsletter. Subscribers also receive the latest callouts from Chicken Soup for the Soul®, Guideposts, and other anthologies.

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