I am over the moon...
I met you some time ago (2010, 2011?) at the Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference and have been on your mailing list since then. I save most of your newsletters because there is so much good information. I recently received the callout for Grace Publishing Anthologies through you. I wrote out a short bio and submitted an article about the nativity.
Late last night I received notice that it has been accepted for publication. I am over the moon as I have submitted several things before, prayed over it and never even received a rejection notice. So thanks for your encouragement over the years and as Winston Churchill once said, “Never, never give up!
There was my story...
I’m writing to thank you…again…for the callouts you send from your newsletters, and because of it, I was published in the latest Guideposts’ volume of God’s Constant Presence.
In August 2023 you sent a callout from Guideposts wanting story summaries for Transformed by His Grace. I sent in “My Pioneer Journey,” about my solo traveling experience, relying on God as my copilot. The editor liked it!
Yesterday (August 5, 2024) I received the book in the mail and there was my story…right after one of my favorite Guideposts authors. Excited? Yes! Grateful? Yes, that you have a newsletter that sends out information to authors who write about a Christian message.
Thanks so much for all that you do.
This helps to keep me from giving up...
I really appreciate your keeping me in the loop since I am not in any other group right now. This helps to keep me from giving up and helps me learn more about our craft. THANKS!
I decided to submit a story. Why not?
Tracy emailed the monthly issues of The Write Life to me and the callouts for Chicken Soup for the Soul. I’d never ventured out to submit my work, and I decided to submit a story. Why not? Three years later, I’ve published five stories in Chicken Soup books… I thank Tracy for providing a spark that helped ignite the fire in me.
You are always thinking of other writers...
I just wanted to stop for a moment and send a personal thank you for how you are always thinking of other writers and sharing info we can all benefit from. I love your newsletter and all the fun and interesting things you pass on.